Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Waiting for good news

Woody is a sick kid. He has had continued problems with his lungs and as noted yesterday, the doctors are trying to do what they can to address his issues. I am at the point now when I'm going for all the good news possible, so here it is.
  • His oxygen needs are pretty stable, and in good ranges (almost always below 50%). That's good!

  • His pressures needed to keep his numbers up is not having to be raised too much; in fact, it's down a little bit today. That's good!

  • The main person on the staff that tells us that things aren't improving is a sour-faced intern, who has told us negative news that didn't pan out before... since we can't trust what she says, it's good, right? (right!)

  • Woody's troubles now are pretty routine for little preemies. It doesn't seem like he's having anything out of the ordinary. Which is good(!).

Well, I am waiting for good news at every turn. I know Grammie was scared by yesterday's post, and she has nominated "white-out" as a banned word, which I can agree with. But the truth is that micropreemies just have trouble with their lungs, and they're doing the best they can. He doesn't seem to be in any immediate danger, and we're just going to have to wait for things to get better, which I remain very confident they will. Thanks for the support and prayers, and in Jeron's case, for mowing my lawn.

Oh, and one other piece of good news... Woody opened his eyes yesterday.

Which is good!


At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's looking at YOU, kid! What pretty eyes!


At 2:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, those eyes: the window of consciousness. I'm looking forward to seeing you see me Woodrow.


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