Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Year of the Wild Hog begins

So this is the new year. And I don’t feel any different.

Actually, this is not true. Everything is different in one way or the other. I went out to a little party at the home of the LDV on New Year’s Eve, but made sure to get back in time to celebrate the new year with Maggie and Woody (who was asleep at the time, bless him). As I said to Maggie, this was less about welcoming 2007 as it was pissing on the grave of 2006, a year that sucked in all ways except one.

And still, even though the year ended with everything coming up roses for Woody, it’s still a bittersweet experience, for a number of reasons. First, we were robbed of so much time and treasure with the Summer of Woody, and I don’t say that because we had anything better to do this summer, but because most parents don’t have to go through what we went through to have a kid. So I’m jealous and a little wistful about the lost opportunities we missed out on this summer, whether it’s camping or swimming or whatever we could have been doing with a roundly and radiantly pregnant Maggie, but it just wasn’t to be. Second, the experience with Woody has really put a massive crimp in our family plans henceforth—no systemic explanation was ever found for why Maggie had the HELLP syndrome so early, and the recurrence rate is something like 35%. So even though I’d love to try to have more kids, is it really a reasonable thing to try to do with odds like that? And even if Maggie is ok with putting her liver and life on the line again, what’s to say that we won’t have the exact same situation with another kid, but not get so amazingly lucky, and then have a kid with major disabilities or worse? Is it fair to such a potential kid?

So yeah, I have mixed feelings about everything, and try to be grateful for everything. Amazing family and friends and luck and everything. But it’s not to say that everything is great, because it just isn’t.

In the meantime, Woody is doing fine. He’s not been sick, we’re working on weaning him off the oxygen (we have the oximeter to check out his O2 saturation from time to time) and he’s getting more bright eyed and frisky every day. He’s nearly 15 pounds, although his weight gain is slowing down considerably the last two weeks as his activity goes up. So we have to cram as much down his throat as possible. On the other hand, he now reliably sleeps through the night, so he’s giving us a lot more of a normal existence, which is much appreciated.

Happy new year to all.


At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2006 was both the best of times and the worst of times, and you and Maggie have exhibited amazing grace under pressure through it all. Woody was the biggest gift, but seeing my children turn into such wonderful human beings has run a close second.

Much love to all!

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Tenniel said...

Happy new year. Found your blog and read through nearly all of Woody's story. I can not imagine the year that you have gone through - you and Maggie have done an incredible job!

We have not gotten together in a long time - a few years ago when we moved up here and had you over to meet our kids who were watching veggie tales while we ate dinner.

We've moved again, still in the Twin Cities though we have not forgotten your generosity of that summer in Portland when the two of you made it possible for us to come live out there and enjoy all that Portland had to offer.

You are both great people and Woody is too, you have done a great job and remind yourself of that on those very difficult days and continue to enjoy each other and this season will pass.

Life changes us in ways we can not forsee or expect - I don't think that summer many years ago any of the 4 of us would picture our lives where they are right now filled with the choices and experiences that brought us to this point - yet here we all are somewhere in Minnesota living the life we have now the best way we can. Take care....


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